Mutuyimana Emmanuel


Mutuyimana Emmanuel

Emmanuel MUTUYIMANA is one of the protagonists of ab stract drip painting of an upcoming generation of Rwandan expressionist artists.

Born in 1998 in Kigali, Rwanda, MUTUYIMANA communicates, en- gages and interacts through figurative artworks. He gathers his inspiration from his environment, most importantly from the people, nature and places that surround him. He passionately started sketching and drawing at a young age in school. He used to help teachers to draw biological parts of various living creatures on the black board to assist in visualizations given the lack of support material. Through his science classes, he also developed a particular fascination for looking at things through a microscope, which would shape his art themes and styles for years to come.

MUTUYIMANA discovered his passion for visual art as a teenager and always loved singing and performing arts. His works are mostly figurative and abstract pieces created in his own dis- tinct style, blending brush stroking and drip painting. He takes his inspiration from the stained-glass art found in churches, especially when it comes to their powerful use of thematic compositions and color combinations.

An auto-didact, MUTUYIMANA joined Ivuka Art Studio in 2018, where he continuously developed his drawing and painting skills, experimenting with acrylic, oil, plastics and collage as well as constantly learning from his fellow artists. He has participat- ed in different art classes, workshops and exhibitions in Kigali and has also been featured in local and international maga- zines sharing his unique art journey.

Mutuyimana Emmanuel's Artwork